Social Media Tips For Small Business Owners

How Not To Be Perceived As A Social Media Salesman – Using Social Media Wisely With Your Small Business Website

Using social media (YouTube, Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Pinterest) is obviously a great way to connect with and engage your customers. The overall success of your small business social media strategy depends largely on how and what you communicate. The most common mistake many small business owners make with their social media is using it to talk exclusively about their business, services, or products.

By using the pushy social media salesman tactic you’re simply applying an outdated, one-way communication model to a new medium. Effectively using social media is all about engaging your audience. Your primary dialogue on social media should be about and include your customers.  You’ll need to utilize creative and unique ways of engaging your followers and fans on your social media channels and your website.

The rules for building an effective social media presence are similar to those for building a website audience. You’ll want to add new content/posts regularly. Your content should be unique, relevant, personable, and provide insights and comments on topics that appeal to your customers’ interests. While you don’t want to excessively mention your products and services, it’s perfectly acceptable to reference them in moderation. It’s even better if you can link your products and services into a genuine story about your customer(s).

Communicate your brand’s vision and personality in a way that reinforces existing brand affinity and you’ll attract new customers with whom your brand resonates.

Social Media Examiner recommends creating a point-based rating system for your social media interactions.  Here’s an example of a tiered point system for Facebook:

  • Likes: 1 point each
  • Comments: 5 points each
  • Shares: 10 points each

Using a system like the one mentioned above will help you measure how effective your social media marketing really is. You can then modify your tactics appropriately based on how your shares are being received by your community of followers.  At Georgia Web Development we’ve spent years helping small businesses establish, maintain, and grow a powerful social media presence on the web. Follow these tips and you’ll be off to a great start in your small business social media journey.


Get Started With A Free Social Media Marketing Consultation

web developer Mark D. Hulett 2020 Georgia Web Development
Mark D. Hulett is the Senior eCommerce Website Developer & Designer at Georgia Web Development. His experience and working knowledge of eCommerce, website development and website design spans more than a decade.

Mark responds personally to all inquiries and is more than happy to setup a quick phone call to discuss your project and answer questions.

SEO – The Truth About Your Website and Search Engine Optimization

So you want your website to be number one on Google? At minimal you’d like your website showing up on page one of the top search queries for your niche or industry. Right? Who wouldn’t want this? 

Well I’m about to rock the boat here a bit by advising that you don’t spend money on aggressive search engine optimization (SEO). Yeah, I know that advice sounds crazy. Just hang in there throughout this article and I’ll bet that the suggestion makes a lot more sense when you’ve given all of this a full read-through with an open mind. 

The problem nowadays is that website owners or site managers typically view search engine optimization as the answer to their website ranking woes. The reality however is that their situation is much more complex than that. As a matter of fact it’s considerably more complex. 

The hard truth is that the best people to improve your search engine rankings are closer at hand than you might think. It’s you.  It’s you and your organization’s internal team (if you have content creators and writers). The solution can’t be found in simply hiring an SEO company to boost your website rankings for Google and other search engines. 

Time, consistency and commitment are the allies of great search engine optimization. It’s going to take time and an unwavering commitment on your part. You’re going to have to commit to owning and fixing the real issues that keep your website from ranking well in the search results for your niche or industry terms. 

SEO is not the shrouded mystery that some in the SEO community would like you to believe.

SEO – A Sleazy Little 3 letter Word? 

The crux of the issue seems to start with the term itself “search engine optimization”. So many half-truths and misconceptions surround it. SEO is not the shrouded mystery that some in the SEO community would like you to believe. Search Engine Optimization jargon and terms like “keyword density” and “back-link strategy” leave most feeling that SEO is a feat only to be undertaken by the experts.

Adding to the confusion is the contradicting fact that many complex SEO techniques do in fact work to some extent initially. Despite Google’s improved search algorithms and it’s ongoing efforts to crack down on SEO manipulation it’s still within the realm of possibility to improve placement through system manipulation. That’s not healthy SEO though and eventually those methods will only serve to hurt or even worse penalize your rankings when discovered.  

Most of the tactics touted by SEO’s can only have short term benefits. They simply won’t last without renewed financial investment. Why won’t they last? Simply stated it’s because the entire objective and premise behind it is innately flawed. 

Good SEO can’t and should never be solely focused on getting to the top of search engine results for particular phrases or “keywords”. Realistically you shouldn’t even be primarily optimizing your website content for search engines at all. Cover the SEO basics, sure. However if you really want to optimize your website then optimize it for people. Optimize your website for your visitors first and foremost. If you want to invest into something worthwhile and lasting it should be into creating unique and relevant content for your site’s visitors. That may sound a bit too cliche’ but that’s the real truth about long term, good SEO. 

image of seo expert drawing seo traffic strategy on whiteboard georgia web development

It’s a well know fact that Google’s primary objective when returning search results is to consistently return the most relevant and quality laden content based on the search query. Don’t make the critical mistake of placing more emphasis on ranking than what you place on providing unique, relevant, high quality content for your site’s visitors. Once you make that mistake you might as well go ahead and get ready for a never-ending, uphill struggle with your site’s SEO. 

Your primary objective should always be better content for your audience, not higher rankings.

You should also note that when you hire an SEO company or individual to improve your placement in the rankings (without first ensuring you have great content in place), you’re not in alignment with what Google and other major search engines are always working diligently to achieve. That is to deliver the most relevant and highest quality content in the search results for its users. 

Your primary objective should always be better content, not higher rankings. SEO companies can use every trick in the book to get your website better rankings in the short term. However long term they will always fall short if you don’t have relevant, high quality content in place. Why? Simply because Google’s algorithms are constantly evolving and updating. It’s not just Google either. Most search engines are getting better and better at returning relevant, quality content based on the query. 

Basic SEO Is The Best SEO  

Google makes no secret of how to achieve better rankings in search results. Within it’s very own Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide can be found pointers and gems like: 

  • Create a useful, information-rich site, and write pages that clearly and accurately describe your content.
  • Make pages primarily for users, not for search engines.
  • Think about the words users would type to find your pages, and make sure that your site actually includes those words within it.
  • Keep the links on a given page to a reasonable number.

Absolutely nothing trumps creating great, unique, relevant content and resources to serve up to your website visitors. That list of content could include:

  • Industry White Papers
  • In-depth Articles
  • Detailed Case Studies
  • Short Q&A Videos or Articles

In summary the goal is to create, present and curate useful, unique content for your website’s visitors. Taking a basic yet thorough SEO approach with your website’s search engine optimization is more about doing the right things, doing them well and doing them with consistency over a period of time. Try it. You’ll be rewarded!

web developer Mark D. Hulett 2020 Georgia Web Development
Mark D. Hulett is the Senior eCommerce Website Developer & Designer at Georgia Web Development. His experience and working knowledge of eCommerce, website development and website design spans more than a decade.

Mark responds personally to all inquiries and is more than happy to setup a quick phone call to discuss your project and answer questions.

Get Started With A FREE Website Consultation, Request A Project Quote Or Just Say Hello!

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Website Redesign Tips. Is it Time For A New Website?

Prospects will inevitably visit your website when making the critical decision to take that next step. Your website is your most important marketing asset. It’s your golden opportunity to effectively communicate your brand and positively influence your critical first impressions.

Making that first visit to your website work in your favor is extremely important. It’s not just about the website looking great either. While having an aesthetically appealing design is always a plus, your website should also perform well on engagement and usability. Whether it’s improving brand awareness, establishing credibility or simply generating leads, your website and it’s content will make a lasting impression. This goes without saying, your website should render fast and flawlessly on all devices including desktop and mobile.

How To Know When It’s Time For a Website Redesign?

Technology and the web is always evolving. So how do you know when it’s time for a website change? Consider the following tips as pointers for knowing when it’s time to redesign or redevelop your website.

  • Your present website technology is no longer serving your business or customers
  • Your present website performs poorly on mobile devices (speed and usability issues)
  • You need to replace an outdated or broken website
  • You need more leads or business
  • You’re trying to reduce marketing and advertising costs
  • You need to be more competitive in the marketplace
  • You want more visibility and brand awareness
  • You’re behind the digital curve and behind your competitors
  • You’re seeking to build credibility online and in the marketplace

Along with the pointers listed in this article there are many other great resources to help you successfully plan the redesign of your website. Above all else do your research and don’t forget to set  goals for the website redesign project.

web developer Mark D. Hulett 2020 Georgia Web Development
Mark D. Hulett is the Senior eCommerce Website Developer & Designer at Georgia Web Development. His experience and working knowledge of eCommerce, website development and website design spans more than a decade.

Mark responds personally to all inquiries and is more than happy to setup a quick phone call to discuss your project and answer questions.

Get A FREE Website Consultation

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Life Lessons From A Digital Marketer

In 60 seconds can a website guy inspire you to live life to the fullest? We think so. Take the challenge! It has nothing to do with websites. Get Inspired!

Responsive Website Design

Is your website more of a dinosaur than it is digital? If so this is your article. Dinosaur meet Responsive Website Design or (RWD) for short. While responsive website design was a trendy topic back in 2013 I’d like to revisit the subject again as I believe it’s still a very relevant topic and one that more website owners and website managers should be better versed in.

Responsive website design or (RWD) is a website design approach that is geared towards designing and coding websites to provide the optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices. From mobile phones to desktop computer monitors RWD places top priority on navigation and easy reading with the least amount of re-sizing, scrolling, and panning.

Is your website a convoluted mess of versions for different devices or even worse, a single version that renders horribly on different devices like smartphones and tablets?

A responsive website adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid, proportion-based grids, flexible images, and CSS3 media queries. A few years ago we “officially” moved beyond the necessity of having a separate mobile website. Responsive Website Design made that possible. We are getting ready to move into 2015. The real question I want to ask here is this. Is your website a convoluted mess of versions for different devices or even worse, a single version that renders horribly on different devices like smartphones and tablets?

Mobile local search is expected to exceed desktop search for local information in the next three years.

The case for re-designing your outdated website into a new responsive website design has never been stronger. As predicted 2014 has been the year that Mobile Devices outpaced PC access to the internet. As early as January 2014 the tide turned. More Americans were using smart-phones and tablets than PC’s when browsing the internet.

Mobile devices alone accounted for 55% of Internet usage in the United States in January 2014. If those facts aren’t enough to make a case for responsive website design there’s more.  As consumers are now using smartphones as their preferred way to look up information while on the go, mobile local search is expected to exceed desktop search for local information in the next three years.

In Summary:

  • Mobile device web surfing is growing at an astronomical pace
  • Most websites aren’t optimized for mobile devices via Responsive Website Design or (RWD)
  • Mobile Devices are constrained by display size and therefore require a (RWD) approach in how content is presented on screen
  • There’s a ton of different screen sizes across phones, tablets, desktops, game consoles, and even TVs
  • Device screen sizes will always be changing
  • It’s critical that your website can adapt to any screen size, today or well into the future
  • Responsive Website Design (RWD) is a no-brainer if you don’t want your brand being perceived as a dinosaur

Get Started With a FREE Responsive Website Design Consultation!

web developer Mark D. Hulett 2020 Georgia Web Development
Mark D. Hulett is the Senior eCommerce Website Developer & Designer at Georgia Web Development. His experience and working knowledge of eCommerce, website development and website design spans more than a decade.

Mark responds personally to all inquiries and is more than happy to setup a quick phone call to discuss your project and answer questions.

Getting Your Small Business Featured Online

Having a Small Business Website Is Great but… It’s Not Enough.

It’s 2015 and while the number of small businesses with online presence has increased over previous years, we’re only scratching the surface when it comes to getting those businesses maximum online exposure for their websites.

In early 2015 about 45% of Small Businesses in the U.S. still don’t have a website for their small business or service.

Obviously having a small business website in most cases is better than not having one at all. Yet all too often I see websites for small businesses that are severely under-performing when it comes to driving traffic, sales, leads, and inquiries to the business. In most cases like this the small business website is getting very little to no traffic. Why is this?

Common Factors Among Undiscovered Websites

Several contributing factors are usually at play with the under-performing small business website. When closely evaluating and analyzing these types of under-performing websites for new clients typically I find 3 common key areas that are in dire need of attention.

  • Website Not Submitted To Major Search Engines for Proper Indexing – This critical oversight happens far more frequently than one might expect.
  • Google and Bing Local Business Page Services Not Utilized or Not Properly Linked To The Website – I see this oversight often. In my experience only a few small businesses are actually leveraging these powerful search assets that also assist tremendously with local search.
  • Little To No Dynamic (changing) content on the Website – Most small business websites that are waiting to be discovered lack good, unique, fresh content in the form of blogs, news articles, and resourceful content.

Getting Your Small Business Website Featured Online

Despite what anyone may promise you about your small business website there is no magic bullet or Hocus Pocus SEO campaign that alone will insure you rise to the top of the competitive heap in search results.

In 2015 it’s much more about doing the right things, doing them well, and doing them with consistency over a period of time. Nothing trumps creating great, unique, relevant content and resources to serve up to your small business website visitors. Thankfully for the good guys search engines are becoming more and more technically intuitive about returning quality results in search.

Put These 3 Smart Tips To Get Your Local Business or Service Featured Prominently Online into action and you will be well on your way to insuring your small business website gets featured prominently online.

  • Submit Your Small Business Website To Major Search Engines Like Google and Bing for Proper Indexing – Not submitting your small business website for indexing to major search engines like Google & Bing is similar to building a great attraction for visitors yet never technically informing any relevant authorities that the attraction is open for business. Google and Bing are essentially the “authorities” of the internet so to speak. You’ll definitely want to inform them that your small business website is ready to be indexed and listed in their search results.
    Submit Your Small Business Website To Google for Indexing
    Submit Your Small Business Website To Bing for Indexing
  • List and Verify Your Small Business with Google and Bing & Link Your Local Business Page To Your Small Business Website – Simple, powerful, and FREE! Especially awesome are the Google + Business Pages.
    Claim Your Free Google Plus Business Page & Get Your Small Business Listed/Verified
    List & Verify Your Small Business on Bing
  • Add a Blog, Post, News Article or other Resourceful Content Item To Your Small Business Website – Blogs, News Articles, and unique, relevant content all help to “pull” visitors to your website. It also makes people who read and enjoy that content want to share your small business website as a resource with others. Be original. Be resourceful. Have fun with it! Adding good, quality, original content to your website periodically also signals to search engines that your small business website is dynamic, resourceful, and worth listing in relevant search results.

web developer Mark D. Hulett 2020 Georgia Web Development
Mark D. Hulett is the Senior eCommerce Website Developer & Designer at Georgia Web Development. His experience and working knowledge of eCommerce, website development and website design spans more than a decade.

Mark responds personally to all inquiries and is more than happy to setup a quick phone call to discuss your project and answer questions.

Get Started With a FREE Website Project Consultation!

How Much Do eCommerce Websites Cost in 2015?

Answering The How Much Does It cost Question

We’ve recently updated this very popular eCommerce cost article on the website. Everything in this article is still accurate and up to date so feel free to continue reading here or head on over to the updated and revised eCommerce website development cost page on our site.

How much do eCommerce websites cost in 2015? As a website developer I get asked the “how much” question often. However it’s usually a question more like, “How much do you charge to do an eCommerce website?”

Sometimes the how much to do an eCommerce website cost question is better qualified with something like, “I want an eCommerce website for selling my products online. How much will it cost?”

No matter the form the question takes about eCommerce website costs I usually have to reply with a very truthful yet non-direct answer. That truthful answer is quite simply… it all depends.

The vast majority of eCommerce websites we develop and launch typically range anywhere from $5,000 – $10,000.

How many pages? How many products? If you don’t know exactly that’s OK I tell them. Lets guess. About how many products? Will any of the products be available in varieties such as color, size, etc.? Do you have the content ready for your eCommerce website or will you need me to write or perhaps assist you with writing the content?

Typically with most eCommerce website design packages you’re looking at basic pages like about us, home page, contact us page, FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions), along with other staple pages that let your visitors know about you, your products, and your business.

That’s only the basic content pages. To do well with your eCommerce website you’ll need to have very good product titles, descriptions, pricing, and other pertinent product specific content ready to add to the eCommerce website. Anyone who tells you otherwise is simply not being truthful with you.

The eCommerce online marketplace is extremely competitive and you’ll want to make sure you enter into your new online ecommerce venture with every possible advantage. That means taking the time to either write great content and product descriptions yourself or being prepared to pay for a professional to help you with all of that. Either way it’s a critical piece of the whole eCommerce equation and one that you can’t afford not to do well with.

Our Recent eCommerce Website Projects

Outdoor Sporting Products eCommerce Website

Magento eCommerce Website

image of first mountain woodcraft ecommerce website

WooCommerce eCommerce Website

What about the product pictures and site graphics? Do you have those ready or will we need to work together on sourcing them? Will I need to create them for you in Photoshop? Do you have a server already hosting the domain or do we need to work on setting that up as well?

Do you have the domain name secured or will you need assistance there as well? Do you want to accept payments via Paypal or would you like to use a turnkey secure payment gateway solution like Maybe you want to use both or neither? How about let’s discuss the options and we’ll see which fits your unique eCommerce website the best?

By now it’s easy to see where I’m going with all this but bear with me a bit longer. I do want to give you some very good “ball-park” eCommerce website cost information to go on. So… how much should a professional quality eCommerce website cost?

Quantifying The How Much Does It cost Question

For the sake of getting a starting point let’s assume it’s a 20 product eCommerce website. You have all the content written (rarely is this the case). You have all of the product images ready, sized correctly, and optimized for web (again this is rare). You have your products, pricing, and information neatly organized into a Spreadsheet format like excel or OpenOffice (even rarer do I see this level of organization with my new eCommerce clients only because most don’t know the Spreadsheets are used in the eCommerce development process).

In essence you’re about ready or very close to being ready for an eCommerce website developer like myself to get it all loaded into the new eCommerce database system that will power the new online store.

Let’s say that the site we’re pricing for has only a handful of slightly complex variations and that those variations are not price dependent. That simply means that if a product has 3 sizes and 6 colors that the price will be the same across the board no matter what combination of variants that your online shopper selects at checkout. This critical variations/pricing information is essential for an eCommerce developer like myself to be able to give you an accurate projected cost for your new eCommerce website.

You can easily see how the “unknowns” like variable pricing make it next to impossible for an experienced eCommerce developer to accurately answer the generic “how much” question. It can mean the difference between a 100 hour eCommerce development project and a 300 hour eCommerce development project. That’s a huge gap between estimated and actual development time that has to be better quantified.

image of ecommerce software solutions provider shopping cart orange magento logo woocommerce purple logo georgia web development

So we’re still talking about a 20 product eCommerce website and let’s say it has about 7 pages not counting the 2-3 system generated pages for each product loaded into the database. We’ll have Home, Contact, FAQs, TOS (terms of service), About Us, Shipping Policy, and a well written Privacy Policy that meets or exceeds industry standards. It’s got “sharing” social media icons and capability and has 3 social media widgets for your choice of accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, or Pinterest.

Drum roll please.

My projected cost for the eCommerce website project described above would be somewhere between $3,000 – $4,000. I could get that price even more refined with a few more of the unknowns answered.

Basic eCommerce website deliverables and costs:

(If you would like a custom, free estimate for your eCommerce website project call us at 229.234.0181 or contact us via email)

  • Domain Name – About $14/year
  • Hosting – About $144 to $360 a year (depends on variables such as eCommerce CMS used, number of products, pages, and anticipated site traffic. *Magento = Typically Upper End & *WooCommerce = Typically Lower End)
  • eCommerce website planning, custom development, database setup, and custom design time – Typically 100 hours and up depending on number of products, pages, level of customization and the sophistication of eCommerce functionality desired
  • Continued eCommerce CMS & Product Database Maintenance – $600 a year and up (depending on the number of updates and the level of product management required etc.) *Georgia Web Development includes 6 Months – up to 4 hours per month of free ongoing support for updates and training in all new eCommerce projects launched)
  • Marketing and Promoting your eCommerce website online – $360 per year and up (depends on frequency of promotions, social media management, and content additions to the ecommerce site

Critical Elements That Determine eCommerce Website Cost

When trying to budget eCommerce website costs consider these factors (some were already mentioned above):

  • Is this a new eCommerce website or is it a redesign and/or redevelopment project?
  • How many pages?
  • How many products?
  • Will any of the products be available in varieties such as color, size, etc.?
  • If any of the products have variations will those variations be price dependent?
  • Do you have the content ready for your eCommerce website or will you be needing assistance with content creation?
  • What about the product pictures and site graphics?
  • Do you have a server already hosting the domain or do we need to work on setting that up?
  • Do you have the domain name secured or will you need assistance with domain registration?
  • Do you want to accept payments via Paypal or would you like to use a turnkey secure payment gateway solution like
  • Do you have your products, pricing, and information neatly organized into a Spreadsheet format like excel or OpenOffice?
  • Would you like a blog installed within your eCommerce website as well?
  • Do you want the site to be responsive (viewable across all devices like smartphones, tablets, desktop, etc? YES you do! ;-P
  • Do you need other special features like social media channels created or advanced SEO?

The ballpark prices here are based on more than a decade of commercial eCommerce website development experience. I have developed and successfully helped clients launch eCommerce websites as simple as 1 product and as complex as 25,000 products. eCommerce website prices will relatively be higher or lower depending on your specific eCommerce site requirements.

In a quick telephone call that typically last less than 15 minutes I can gather enough information to give anyone an accurate projected cost for their eCommerce website project. Call 229.234.0181 for a free, no obligation, eCommerce telephone consultation.

eCommerce Interaction Design

Great Interaction Design is paramount in successful eCommerce website design. eCommerce Website Interaction Design is heavily focused on satisfying the needs and desires of the majority of visitors who will both visit and shop on the site.

While how a website looks is obviously very important, interaction design insures that the design elements foster the type of behaviors (like add to cart and checkout) that will make the shopping experience as intuitive as possible for visitors.
ecommerce software solutions lady shopping online on computer georgia web development
For most eCommerce websites, plan on budgeting about $1,000 – $2,000 to insure that the eCommerce website is thoroughly tested for usability and that these metrics are bench-marked not only during development but post launch as well. Analytics should be employed on the site to offer critical Intel on how shoppers and visitors are interacting with the site.

Product Images and Custom Graphics Design

eCommerce Website graphics pricing can be a bit obscure at times. It can range from as little as $500 to upwards of $2,000. High-end stock images are not cheap nor is a great graphics designer. High quality graphics will make your eCommerce website stand out from the pack.

When it comes to high quality product images this is one key area that you don’t want to cut corners on. If you’re a distributor it’s likely you already have access to great product images. Oftentimes however the graphics designer will still need to re-size and optimize the images for web.

A custom designed logo falls into this same category. If you don’t have a great one already it’s highly recommended to get this worked out in the design package as well. Do you really want to use a $5 to $50 dollar generic logo from a cheap web source to represent the brand you’re investing a few thousand dollars at minimal into?

Get a professional designer to work with you to create a unique logo designed specifically for you and your brand. (Georgia Web Development includes custom logo design in every new eCommerce package)

Custom eCommerce Content Management Systems

Many eCommerce shop owners desire to manage their own eCommerce websites. Costs for integrating and custom developing an eCommerce CMS can typically range anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000.

At Georgia Web Development we utilize both open source and proprietary eCommerce software that’s trusted by more than 180,000+ online retailers including industry giants like Nike & OfficeMax. Our ecommerce software solutions are unparalleled in performance, reliability, and security. We specialize in both Magento and WooCommerce eCommerce software solutions. We have years of experience in customizing both of these eCommerce CMS systems for clients with all types of online shops.

Training and Ongoing Support

You’ll definitely be needing ongoing support and at minimal initial training for managing your new eCommerce website. Depending on how sophisticated the eCommerce system is and the number of shop managers to be trained, expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $1,200 for quality training. (Georgia Web Development includes 6 Months – up to 4 hours per month of free ongoing support and training in all new eCommerce projects launched)

It All Adds Up

Using the information above one can easily see how the costs can add up rather quickly. Another way to better understand the cost analysis is to consider these typical allocations for time:

10% Planning & Pre-development Tasks
55% Development / Database & eCommerce System Configuration
25% Design
10% Project Management

Final Answer To The How Much Question

The vast majority of eCommerce websites we develop and launch typically range anywhere from $5,000 – $10,000.

If you’re planning for the eCommerce website to one day generate a substantial portion of your income please don’t skimp on the initial investment in high quality design and development.

What would you pay for a brick and mortar retail shop? You might easily invest $100,000 to $200,000 on the lease, inventory, interior design, marketing, advertising, utilities, staff, equipment, and insurance, etc. Why be so hesitate about paying a reasonable fee for a digital version of your business? For a professionally designed and developed eCommerce website realistically you can expect to pay as little as $2,500 or as much as $10,000 or more.

mark d. hulett ecommerce software solutions expert georgia web development
– Mark D. Hulett is an accomplished eCommerce website developer and designer at Georgia Web Development. His experience and working knowledge of eCommerce website development spans more than a decade.

5 Tips For Creating Engaging Web Content

5 Tips For Creating Engaging Web Content

Great Website Content Is Key For Ranking Higher

Successful companies & brands have recognized that creating great content is the key to ranking well on major search engines. Engaging audiences with original and relevant content has never been so important as it is now. Great web content writers are the new in-demand necessity among corporate and small business teams. With calculated precision company blogs are launched, eBooks are drafted, and industry specific whitepapers are being published.

Google has just recently rolled out some very significant changes to it’s search algorithm. Keywords, although still relevant, are no longer the shoe-in for higher rankings. Major search engines like Google are finally beginning to place a much greater emphasis on unique, engaging web content and are relying less on keyword relevancy and frequency. In light of this emerging shift in what search engines are now looking for when returning search results it’s critical for companies and small businesses to focus on creating original, engaging, web content for their online presence.

5 Tips For Creating Original & Engaging Web Content

    • #1. Create a Title & Opening Line That Pops

Obviously it’s simple to say this but not as simple to pull it off. Nevertheless take some time and be creative, relevant, and catchy with your titles.

    • #2. Use Stats & Facts That Surprise & Arouse Interest

It’s amazing how some facts and figures can really get your attention. Try to use the ones that are not obviously known but are surprising when stated factually.

    • #3. Use Fresh Insights

We’ve all read web content articles that read just like being forced to watch an all too familiar sitcom rerun. “What a waste of my time.”, we all thought after reading such gibberish. Fresh insights within an industry or niche come from effort, attention to detail, and ole’ fashioned creativity and content creation.

image of man at georgia web development creating website content

    • #4. Don’t Be Afraid To Break The Rules

Sometimes you have to separate yourself from the herd. Not solely because you intend to do that but because you’re more focused on your message rather than how everyone else is saying it within your industry or niche. Be brave. Be bold. Most importantly “be you” with your web content!

    • #5. Incorporate Great Graphics & Visuals Into Your Content

If an ordinary picture is worth a thousand words then high quality, custom graphics are worth even more! Don’t settle for poorly optimized graphics or illustrations to accent your web content. Even if it means temporarily contracting this task out to a professional web graphics designer it’s well worth the potential damage that poor graphics and illustrations can do to your otherwise great web content.

Get Started With a FREE Website Project Consultation!

At Georgia Web Development we know first hand the challenges inherent in creating and maintaining successful online presence. Over the years we’ve helped literally hundreds of businesses, both large and small, to create original and professional quality web content to engage their audience. We’re here to offer our free expert advice and we’ll gladly share that knowledge without any fancy sales pitches thrown in… we promise.

If you’d like to take us up on a FREE No Obligation Web Content Consultation we’d love to hear from you! You can get a FREE No Obligation Web Content Consultation by simply completing and submitting our FREE No Obligation Web Content Consultation form or give us a call at 229.234.0181. Best wishes for increasing your online engagement and creating great online content!

web developer Mark D. Hulett 2020 Georgia Web Development
Mark D. Hulett is the Senior eCommerce Website Developer & Designer at Georgia Web Development. His experience and working knowledge of eCommerce, website development and website design spans more than a decade.

Mark responds personally to all inquiries and is more than happy to setup a quick phone call to discuss your project and answer questions.

Engagement – Building a Loyal Community With Your Website

Engagement… Build a Community of Fans With Your Website

Building Great Online Communities & Engaging Your Fans

You can have the most elaborate and beautiful website on the internet. You can boast thousands of visitors to your website each day but… if your website isn’t effectively engaging your audience then you’re missing out on the most critical piece of the online equation. Engagement is the true measurement of online success. Online Engagement in simple terms is the interaction of customers with one another, with a company or a brand.

Increase and foster online engagement by frequently interacting with your website’s online community. Use FREE social media marketing and make sure that the social media channels that you are using are integrated into your website as well as your community forums, if you’re using forums.

Tips From Google On Engagement & Online Communities

Be sure to grab the FREE Google Worksheet On Engagement & Building Online Communities mentioned in the video!

FREE Website Consultations Get Started


To Get Engagement… Give It!

Last but certainly not least be responsive! When people comment on or participate in your discussions, show them that your business is listening. Let them know that you appreciate their engagement and that you care. If you need more time to answer a question, you can let them know that you’re looking into it.

At Georgia Web Development we know first hand the challenges inherent in creating and maintaining successful online presence. Over the years we’ve helped literally hundreds of businesses, both large and small, leverage the power of their website to successfully engage their audience. We’re here to offer our free expert advice and we’ll gladly share that knowledge without any fancy sales pitches thrown in… we promise.

If you’d like to take us up on a FREE No Obligation Website Consultation we’d love to hear from you! You can get a FREE No Obligation Website Consultation by simply completing and submitting our FREE No Obligation Website Consultation form or feel free to give us a call at 229.234.01814. Best wishes for increasing your online engagement and building a great online community of fans!

web developer Mark D. Hulett 2020 Georgia Web Development
Mark D. Hulett is the Senior eCommerce Website Developer & Designer at Georgia Web Development. His experience and working knowledge of eCommerce, website development and website design spans more than a decade.

Mark responds personally to all inquiries and is more than happy to setup a quick phone call to discuss your project and answer questions.

Professional Facebook Business Pages For Businesses, Brands, & Services

Great Facebook Pages Are Essential For Successful Businesses, Brands, & Services

1.19 Billion Reasons To Leverage The World’s Largest Social Network

With it’s 1.19 billion monthly active users and an estimated 4.5 billion likes per day who can argue that any successful business should not have a Facebook Business Page?

Often when met with hesitancy or objection from a client about creating a great Facebook Page for them I lightheartedly, yet in all seriousness, remind them that it doesn’t matter if they personally don’t like or even use Facebook. I remind them that there’s over 1 billion other people who do like Facebook and use it often.

I tell them, “That’s who we’re making the Facebook Page for.” The reality is that they have a wealth of prospects, customers, clients, and employees among that 1.19 billion number and with the Professional Facebook Page I’ll be creating for them we’re going to find and engage as many of them as we can.

Reach The People Who Matter To Your Business The Most

Not only can you reach more people with your Facebook Business Page, you can reach the specific ones who are most likely to become your customers, clients, employees, or partners. A first step in building your Facebook Business Page audience is to encourage your current customers, clients, employees, and partners to like your Page. These are the people most likely to see your posts and updates in their News Feed.

Tips For Maximizing Your Facebook Business Page’s Effectiveness

    • Be Discoverable & Get Your Business, Service, or Brand Found Online

When people search for your Business, Brand, or Service on Facebook, they will be able to find you. When setting up the Facebook Business Page, you’ll want to request a web address like

Getting the right url or web address for your Facebook Business Page makes your Facebook Business Page relatively easy to find. Be sure to include your Facebook Business Page address on your marketing stationary, business cards, and website. In essence your Facebook Business Page is an extension of your business. It’s an awesome tool to share updates and even more importantly a means to “engage” with the those who matter most to your business, brand, or service.

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    • Connect, Captivate, & Engage With Your Audience

There’s likely no other social media platform that’s better designed for one-on-one conversations with your audience than Facebook. Although Google Plus Business Pages are my personal favorite for engaging clients it seems we still have a ways to go with convincing and educating businesses about Google Plus’s unique advantages versus Facebook’s.

While the number of Likes your Facebook Business Page receives is indeed very important, it’s not the most important. All too often I see Facebook Business Page owners focused too heavily on gaining likes versus effectively engaging the audience they already have. Don’t make this critical oversight!

However if your struggling for likes there’s one legitimate service I’d recommend giving a shot. It’s boostlikes. Out of all the “paid” Facebook Like Services out there I can vouch for the quality service they offer. I’m not promoting “paid like or follow services” and have never used one personally but if you’re going to use one they are worth checking out.

Engagement is where it’s at. The true indicator of any business’s social media success is engagement. The few businesses and brands that are effectively engaging their audience are in essence great examples of “Social Media Done Right“. Also don’t use your Facebook Business Page solely as a means to post sales, offers, or other content that would be considered as traditional advertising. Doing so is a sure fire way to alienate your audience and will cause you to lose any traction you’ve gained with your Facebook Business Page rather quickly.

    • Be Original, Be Insightful, Be Responsive

As you share updates, photographs, and other stuff, think about what your audience might find interesting or even inspiring. How should you communicate with them? What ideas or topics do you want to consistently communicate about your organization or it’s services? You should experiment with different types of posts. Does your audience like photos or would they prefer you to share useful links with them? You can find out the answers to such questions rather quickly and easily by utilizing the Facebook Business Page Insights Tool.

Be original and authentic by sharing what you’re genuinely excited or interested about. Be responsive! When people comment on or participate in your discussions, show them that your business is listening. Let them know that you appreciate their engagement and that you care. If you need more time to answer a question, you can let them know that you’re looking into it.

When individuals like, share, or comment on your posts, their friends are also eligible to see those posts in their News Feeds as well! So never forget that your Facebook Business Page’s success is determined by your ability to create Page posts that are interesting and valuable to your audience.

At Georgia Web Development we know first hand the challenges you’ll face in creating and maintaining a successful Facebook Business Page. Over the years we’ve helped literally dozens of businesses, both large and small, leverage the power of Facebook and other social media to successfully engage their audiences. We’re here to offer our free expert advice and we’ll gladly share that knowledge without any fancy sales pitches thrown in… we promise.

If you’d like to take us up on a FREE No Obligation Facebook Business Page Consultation we’d love to hear from you! You can get a free Facebook Business Page Consultation by simply completing and submitting our FREE No Obligation Facebook Business Page Consultation form or feel free to give us a call at 229.234.0181. Best wishes on your Facebook Business Pages!

mark d. hulett small business logos desiner georgia web development
– Mark D. Hulett is an accomplished website developer and website designer at Georgia Web Development. His experience and working knowledge of websites and social media marketing spans more than a decade.