Tips For Small Business Logos & Graphics Design

Business Logos… How’s Yours?
Small business logos are quite the challenge for small business owners. Skimping on logo originality and/or professional logo design services will negatively impact your business and it’s brand recognition. Make no mistake about it. People will make some very quick judgements about your small business brand based on your logo.
Many small business owners unintentionally make some major blunders when it comes to their small business logo. You’ll want to give this critical branding principle the all important attention it deserves. Small business logos should consist of more than just your company name. Everything from the font, the colors, the tagline and even graphics quality of the business logo itself convey a very powerful message to your potential customers.
Small Business Logos & Graphics We’ve Designed For Successful Brands…
Small Business Graphics… Sending A Message.
What message do you want to convey with your small business logo or graphics? Make sure that your brand identity and message are appropriate for your type of business. Don’t just go with a creative idea simply because you personally like it. Bounce your ideas and drafts off of friends, family, and yes… even strangers. Ask for their honest feedback and most importantly pay particular attention to their first impressions of your logo or graphics. Once you’re settled on your design you’ll want to create consistency by utilizing it within all of your marketing and communication materials. Attempt as best you can to stay consistent with both digital, web, and print communication graphics. Remember consistency is key and you’ll only confuse your audience by using multiple variations of your logos and graphics.
Among the great small business logos and graphics are those whereby the image is intuitively associated with with a company and it’s brand. It gives people a unique way to remember your business and brand. Just like Targets’ Red Bulls Eye and Nikes’ Swoosh Symbol, great visual logos will make your company more memorable. Aside from the logical reasoning behind this logo and brand association there’s some very well documented studies that support how the brain processes this information and even more importantly for obvious branding reasons… how it retains it. Simply put, you’ll make a more memorable impact when people are easily able to associate your business and brand with both words and a great visual image.
Tips For Finding A Great Small Business Logo and Graphics Designer…
Experience? Ask for samples of their work and make sure that the samples are actually their designs. Many so called logo and graphics designers simply paste up templates they have found on the web in an attempt to pass off the creative work as their own. You’re never out of line to actually request contact information from some of their satisfied clients that they have previously designed small business logos and graphics for. Personally I never hesitate to give this requested info out to potential clients who are indeed serious about using our small business logo and graphics design services. As a matter of fact I feel quite honored to have several very satisfied clients who will gladly offer up their testimonials when politely asked to do so.
Fees and costs? What deliverables will you receive? Be prepared to ask for three to five design options (revisions) included in the initial fee. You should get both color and black and white digital versions of your small business logos and graphics. Professional designers of small business logos and graphics should at minimal provide you with the finished graphic in the following file formats: EPS or Encapsulated PostScript (vector), JPG, GIF, PNG, and TIFF. You’ll be needing these various file formats of your small business logo or graphics for items like business cards, custom stationery, your website, etc.
FREE Consultations for Small Business Logo and Graphics Design
At Georgia Web Development we know first hand the challenges you’ll face in making decisions on small business logos and small business graphics. We’re here to offer our free expert advice and have more than a decade of experience in creating and designing small business logos and graphics for successful brands. We’ll gladly share that knowledge without any fancy sales pitches thrown in… we promise.
If you’d like to take us up on this FREE Small Business Logo and Graphics Consultation we’d love to hear from you! You can get your free Small Business Logo and Graphics Consultation by simply completing and submitting our Small Business Logos and Graphics Consultation form or feel free to give us a call at 229.234.0181. Best wishes on your small business logos and Graphics!
About The Author:
– Mark D. Hulett is an accomplished small business graphics designer and website developer at Georgia Web Development. His experience and working knowledge of logos, graphics, and website design spans more than a decade.